The year 2022 is going to be very challenging for everyone, as we are learning to live with the virus. We are all going to have to look after each other and particularly the fragile and immune deficient people, like many clients at the clinic.
For this reason, I would like to ask if you can please wear a mask for your appointment and advise if you or anyone in your household has the following symptoms: sore throat, chills, body aches with no known reasons, shortness of breath, loss of smell and taste, fever, or has been in contact with someone testing positive to Covid-19.
At JM Lymphoedema, I would like to consider 14 days from the day of exposure to the virus until your next appointment and would like to thank you in advance for your compliance.
On a happier note, it seems that we spend more time at home that we use to, and for those who like puzzles, I have created a crossword. You may find the clues in previous blogs concerning diet, substances, types of food that are beneficial for the lymphatic system and others to avoid.
Let's have fun and email me your answers before the end of the month of January 2022. Should your answers be correct, I will send you some seeds as a prize. Do you know that to plant a garden is believe in tomorrow? When plants bloom, so does hope.
Happy New Year everyone.
